Thursday, July 31, 2003

I had this dream where I was pulling wire coat hangars, hair pins and twenty dollar bills out of my nose. It was a pretty strange and random ability but during post-apocalypic times up is down black is white and everything you know is WRONG. So anyway, everyone in the world was pretty much dead except for me and a few other punks. I needed a weapon to protect me cause everyone that was alive was either crazy or was obsessed with fighting over turf; I needed to protect myself. So I asked Bob to If I could borrow one of the machete that he displays in his glass table ( I knew I should have just stolen it). He told me that I would have to give him $19.00 to keep it. (God, it is so like bob to think of money before the safety of his beloved family. What purpose does money have when the world has ended anyway?) I just tossed him a $20 bill that I had pulled out of my nose earlier in the day. I grabbed my duffle bag, my machete and my belt with the grommets and went on my merry way.
Last night I had a dream that I was on an important mission to travel to the deep-south. I was riding a tricycle with a motor and my sister was sitting on the back. We were doing 80 on the interstate when I found I had forgotten where I was going. So I pulled off in some field to find directions. There was this creepy old guy that told us that there was a gas station down some dark and winding road in the forest. I knew he was a creep cause of the way he combed his hair. I knew I spotted the real gas station in the other direction so I hopped back on my tricycle and sped away. In the same field, ( It was a big field)I saw some tourist couple they had a map with boats on it. They told us that we were in Shippingsburgh, not to be confused with Shippingborough. It seemed I had traveled south but had only traveled halfway downstate. I thought that was pretty good for a tricycle and decided to go home. But my tricycle broke down and some stupid people stole the wheels =(

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Power was out. There was a tremendous storm which brought sudden heavy dounpours and great gusts of wind.
I hear tell there was a Tornady in these here parts. I reckon their was on account of I dun saw a limb ripped off of Ol' Man Sprouses maple tree.
It seemed as if a great super natural hand was doing mother natures pruning. After the storm passed I surveyed the carnage and found the neighborhood in a state of disarray.
There were trees snapped in half, and broken limbs littering the streets and lawns. There were also telephone poles that bent over the roadway at precarious angle.

Monday, July 21, 2003

This weekend... was very long. Went and visited Rochester Institue of Technology. Nerd Central. I got lost a lot cause I have a horrible sense of direction. I went swimming in the pool got ice cream. Followed a jesus looking guy around. Went and learned about medical illustration. It was a fruitful experience. Kind of lonely though...
Today I went to a flea marked. I got two anime videos, and a ryoko action figure... crazy considering that I usually expect to find antiques and worn out junk at flea markets. Though I guess you could consider a ryoko figure and anime from the 80's useless worn out junk.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Today Christa was talkin on the phone (big surprise) with Miek.
But I didn't know that at first. Cause she called him "Mikey"and I know more than one Mikey.
I'm all like "Mikey who? Mikey what"
Christa is like "Mikey, you know Mikey" "Mikey Mike Mike MIkEY"
Me: "Hello...uhh Mikey, Who WHAT? WHAT MIKEY ARE YOU!?!?!?" "WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY? pILLS!!?"
YES i NEED PiLLS!! YOUR GONNA come back and give me pills?! Come back? I didn't know you were gone?
Oh wait a second.... (recognizes his voice)
That Mikey... I miss him

Thursday, July 17, 2003

:: how nintendo are you? ::

I've collected all 100 of the different cards on ff9. I have invested so much time in my frivolous, imaginary empire-- about 106 hours. I feel very alone sometimes, but the game numbs the aching throb, it blinds me of staring into an empty fruitless void. I wonder what I'd be doing if I didn't play games? But then I think they are good for me because I think if I didn't play I'd be vandalizing, having sex and stealing-- or worst of all: Going to Church! I'd rather not think about it because the only conclusion would be that I am wasting my time playing games. But where are my friends? Where am I? What can I do?
What should I be doing? I just don't know. Maybe games are my life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Monday, July 14, 2003

I just got back from a week camping at Hammond lake. Wow, was it exciting. It rained, I forgot my swimsuit, the tent leaked, and the boat broke. Worst of all there were no hot men. Just Mullets.
Don't get me wrong I did have a good time. Cause it was sunny shiny and I kind of got a tan.. I went kayaking, and I sat around and was lazy and I saw a movie with a hot but very strange pirate in it. I got plenty of fresh air. I saw pretty sunsets and listened to good music. Food was abundant and generously prepaired.
There wasn't much activity at the lake though.
I've reached a new level of boredom... now what do the Buhddists call it.. umm..
Enlightenment! Thats it!

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Random Naya-ism:

If you make a silly mistake and embarass yourself trying out somthing new, and decide never again to participate in that activity again, you will be remembered by others involved for the mistake that you made. You just have to keep trying sometimes...

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

You are quina
You love food, it's one of the most important forces in your life. When you are hungry, you may seem very scary to others O_O

take this quiz!

Quina is the best FF character next to Sephiroth. Quina really kicks ass! SO THERE!
--are ya happy now?
I so happy

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX was a pretty damn good game. Its kinda sad that I played it now that its an antique but I don't think I could have appreciated it as much when I was a little younger.
I liked seeing all the old stuff from the earlier games in FFIX, like black mages, and the summons, and I got a namigway card. Though the Chocobo said "Kweh" instead of "wark" I still liked them.
I especially enjoyed the frienship that kept all of the characters together and the lessons they all learned at the end.
They learned how to live life and enjoy life and hot to make it better for others. All from that monkey-tailed theif!
I'm a sucker for happy endings.