Thursday, July 31, 2003

I had this dream where I was pulling wire coat hangars, hair pins and twenty dollar bills out of my nose. It was a pretty strange and random ability but during post-apocalypic times up is down black is white and everything you know is WRONG. So anyway, everyone in the world was pretty much dead except for me and a few other punks. I needed a weapon to protect me cause everyone that was alive was either crazy or was obsessed with fighting over turf; I needed to protect myself. So I asked Bob to If I could borrow one of the machete that he displays in his glass table ( I knew I should have just stolen it). He told me that I would have to give him $19.00 to keep it. (God, it is so like bob to think of money before the safety of his beloved family. What purpose does money have when the world has ended anyway?) I just tossed him a $20 bill that I had pulled out of my nose earlier in the day. I grabbed my duffle bag, my machete and my belt with the grommets and went on my merry way.

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