Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ahhh.. Summahtime. Wait, it's almost December! What the Hell..
Oh yeah, happy b-day to me!

Monday, November 13, 2006

So am I like the only person totally psyched about the election results?
I live in a bubble so seriously, I don't know.
I do know that I am proud to have participated in the kicking in the ass of mistah Ricky Santorum. Take that mister number two Republican Senator.
Now this guy Bob Casey is king of PA.

I must admit I didn't really research any of the candidates. Honestly, I forget what this House of Representatives, Senate stuff means. I meant to read up on this, something, anything, so I could make an informed decision. But when it came right down to it, I figured I was just gonna vote one way anyway because most of the Republican's causes are irrelevant to me anyway.
So I just pushed the easy button.

There. Done.
I should be proud. I should think of myself as everything right with this democratic system.
I firmly believe that the douchebag on the left should win...or something.
I picked the right team.

A couple weeks ago I found this informational postcard thing lying on the floor.
It was a campaign thingy. On one half was this photo, professionally taken of mister Santorum, he was smiling and there was something going on in the background like a family playing monopoly or whatever families do together these days. On the other half was a smaller picture of mister Bobby standing behind a podium on a kind of overcast day.

It kind of reminded me of this commercial a long time ago
(I'll just go ahead and say it was for Denny's).
This commercial was comparing a nice, hamburger with a large golden bun, generously beefy beef patty, ripe tomatoes, lush green lettuce, and a side of fries, to a rather sad looking, greasy, gray, lump of hamburger with kind of a smashed up bun, from a fast food place like Mc Donald's.
As the only "information" I considered from this election, my image of mister Bobby is that of a greasy gray hamburger. A Santorum burger sure did look more appetizing, but after all it was just propaganda. And we all know what santorum is really...

This town has been Republican since it began being a town, with all the WASP's and rural-ness going on. Signs promoting Santorum in every other yard. I mean santorum everywhere..
(I'm sorry for the terrible jokes, sigh)

Still the Dem's prevailed. Still I doubt it will change anything.
This government is run more like a business than a country.
It's a country, filled with people, millions of people with diverse needs.

I just don't know where all these special interest groups, lobbyists, corporations, giant gluttonous Tetsuo-amoeba-monster conglomerates are going to take this country.
I think that's where all the power is anymore.
Anyway, I would hate to say much more, because like most American's I'm really ignorant of politics.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I was hungry for a peach, but the peaches on the floor were all dirty. I went outside to find a peach tree. I didn't know if they even grew here or if there were any out in November. Or if someone out there was already picking them all.
It didn't take me but a few seconds to spot this giant tree with the most beautiful fruit I have ever seen. Never mind that it was a white pine tree, never mind that I am deathly afraid of heights, I was climbing that fucker to get them beautiful, sweet, nutrient-rich, peaches.
I hastily leaped onto the branches, my clumsy weak arms pulling me upward. I barely noticed the bark scraping my skin raw. I reached out to grab a fruit when I realized not only that it was out of my reach but it was covered in ulcers on one side and it was kind of moldy.
"Poor peachy, I'm not the only one thought you tasty." I reached out to my right, another moldy peach. " Alright it's late in the season, this tree is filled with a ton of fruit I'm sure If I just swing out to that branch there.. and... no."
I looked at the bountiful limbs above me. Shining in the sun, golden peachy goodness.
I climbed with a grace and fearlessness that was completely uncharacteristic for me. I scanned the peaches, all so bad. How could they have teased me all being so nice and prutty on one side and rotten on the other? I noticed that the sun glimmering on the slime, it looked so unnatural. It gave the fruit a kind of holy looking radiance. I thought that if the bad ones still could be lovely what might the good ones look like? I tried to climb some more, but the branches were brittle and they were spaced far apart. It wasn't just a quest for a peach now, it was the quest for the story I would tell about the flawless peach I would find at the highest bows.
Then it ends.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

This is where my crappy drawings go to die.
Note to Self: Spell checker is always a good idea.