Saturday, March 13, 2004

Honestly this is the absolute epitomy of retardspeak but it is so amusing to read this out loud:
AWRIATE SAO TIAMMY TAOKK mea hias goalf coause thais teime and i aws soo happay thean rayachel came aout waich ways HOTT baut thean...earin came aout. ia hate thaaata fauaking baitch. awhy thae fauck doeas tiamy loaik hear soo mauxch??? it ahonesatly kaills mea. i loave him asooo muach. anad mea awnd earin eacutaly hased asomething goaing on lasa;t year buat thais yeasr we adoant eavaen talk and ai caasnta staeand hur!!!.

ah haa haa... this kills me.

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