Monday, July 12, 2004

I've gotta say all this drug stuff is wrong. I quit that stuff because it upsets people I care about who have genuine concern for me and my happiness, it did not make me happy, I could not do enough to label me a stoner or elevate my status as a no-status social outcast. I couldn't be famed for drug use, was not a supplier or seller of it, so why keep up with it all? I know that if I kept on going I would become so miserable I probably would have had some sort of mental breakdown or I would be miserable because I made the people I love miserable by lying to them, saying I wouldn't do it anymore when I would. It wasn't worth the short time of feeling good, when I got so depressed after..I have the munchies constantly anyway. Drug use as I see it is a product of the constant want of a label or some kind of social-staus. Drug use is buying a label in a plastic baggie full of weed or in a pill bottle. People know you use drugs, you are a stoner, or seen as somthing as a god when you can take as much as you can. Drugs will get you somewhere when all other methods of achieving a lable have failed. I thought that I might seem cooler if people knew I did stuff, well the certainly were surprised. I admit I wanted to be somthing I wasn't or couldn't be. That isn't the only reason I tried stuff don't get me wrong, I wanted to experiment, learn me somthin from the experience. I learned a lot. I don't want to be one of those people who say they are gonna quit one day but smoke a day or two later. I don't want to say I'm gonna quit for a month just for a drug test. I'm not saying I know any dependants but I think I could in the near future. I don't want to see my friends like that, bad enough my family is. As I see it drug use is a sign of having a shitty family or living in a shitty society, I'm not saying that people who drug in general are shitheads. I just want people to stop pretending that nobody cares about them, open your fucking eyes... This rant isn't nearly as deep as I want it to be, it sounds like a handout you'd be given in elementary school drug education class...or a lecture from your daddy. But I gotta say pot, alcohol whatever is a soma (just wait until you read Brave New World) making drooling idiots instead of strong men and women who can face up to their problems without running away. I understand circumstances beyond control.... Don't call me insensitive... well whatever I'm sick of seeing this stupid rant.

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