Sunday, July 28, 2002

Heres a breif explaination of what I did at camp:
I wake up at 7 every morning. I get sheparded to the mess hall.I go to breakfast which was for the most part, slimy, soggy and/or unedible. My cabin peeps get together and study a manditory bible lesson. Then its off to play volleyball, soccer, swim, crafts or whatever. Then we have chapel. I FUCKING HATED CHAPEL!!!!! Ahem... They made us listen to a speaker talk about how jesus changed his/her life. Then we sang songs, that all were about jesus. Then we prayed, and prayed.... and prayed....Untill the congregation got frustrated. Then we were excused to lunch. The lunches were kind of wimpy, and still as soggy as breakfast, and worst of all, perfectly balanced...
After lunch my daily stomach ache begins, as well as some more "fun" activities.
We got to swim sometimes, when we went to the pool we had to have a cover up. A cover up consisted of a t-shirt that covered our suits completly. I dun think it was really fair 'cause guys din have to cover up. hn... everyone being all christainy, didn't stop me from gawking at teh menz hard bodies =)
Then I had to go to dinner, which was also pathetic... then I play some games with my stomach killing me. Then I go to the best part of the day which is evening chapel. There was a different speaker each night, I must admit they were entertaining and had alot of thought provoking things to say, but then they began to ramble on and on. There speeches were all so long winded and there original messages became obscure and I lost what they were saying after a while. Then, after the speeches, they asked people to come up if they accepted jesus as their personal savior. One night the alter call was hours long... It went on and on... on and on........on and on opn and on....over and over....over and over...on and on....over and over..blah blah blah.... (kind of like this blog,eh?)....and on and on...... I think some people went up there out of frustration, to see if it would stop if there were enough people up there. My councilor asked me "Naya do you want to be a Christian?" I says "no" she says, "are you sure?"......
I have sat through 4 never ending alter calls...I have admitted to everyone in my cabin that I was not a christian...I would have stood in front of the whole camp and told them I do not belive that jesus is the son of god, I would have told them all that jesus is not my savior, and i don't think he would have wanted everyone worshiping him instead of going directly to God. I didn't care if I was the only damned person there that wasn't their definition of "saved".......
Anyway I says, I'm sure I don't want to be a christian. My councilor says "can I pray for you?"
I says... "fine....".....(what the hell am I supposed to say?)..
"please god, help naya forgive christians for whatever they may have done to her." (assuming that christians tormenting me was why i didn't want to be one.)
"please god, help naya open her heart to you....." (as if not being a christian meant I hated or didn't believe in God... I think there is a lot to be said for Judaism, Buddhism, on ect..)
Then after chapel, out cabins get together and talk about what we learned. I learned a lot of things.... that I probably shouldn't mention....unless I wanted someone to kill me in my sleep.....
Results of the week:
I had a stomache ache the whole time because of the perfectly balanced meals,
The whole left side of my face swelled up because of a canker sore
I was frustrated to tears by the people beating the love of jesus into me
I missed my friends
What I felt:
I felt like having constant panic attacks from being forced into social situations
Crying from frustration
Morally corrupted
beating the love of jesus right out of everyone
I think I'm gonna start my own crazy cult It sounds like fun to brainwash people, I'm sure the people at PennYork had a blast persicuting me and making me feel like a dirty sinner... I'm sorry about ranting... I think i just broke my brain......

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