Thursday, January 20, 2005

Howtah Sound Like Yerfrum Podder Kounny.
(How to sound like a native of Potter County, Pennsylvania.)
It's, uh, my personal opinion, that Coudurrsport has, like, the best educated people of the, um, many small districks of Podder Kounny, 'cuz we have to live up to higher standerds of the, um, like, 'delphia people so we ken get good jobs and stuff. But they're all dum flatlanders and we can tell them 'delphia people from us, cuz they all drive silver cars and prenounce things all wrong. Like, um, The Elementary School, its El-uh-men-TARY not Eluh-menTREE, and I know thats how it is 'cuz the people onna radio sayit that way and so does everyone else I know.
The othernight I was sittin' around with my boyfriend whose-one-nuh them people from outtatown and I asked him, "whachu-wachin'? " ('cuzzy was wachin' TV) and I was like, " I seen than the othernight and it ain't too good, well, like, it was gooder than that 'Mer'can Idol isaw the othernight with my Nanna and Pap-Pap. And he was like," gooder isn't a word." An I hate it when he hastah, like, show off. Then he says somthing like, "I paid attention in English Class," and I was like, "SO DIDN'T I !!".

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