Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I got canned Friday night. Man, I knew it was gonna happen soon, but not that soon.
I dunno the real reason they fired me. I'm guessing that they just didn't like me. They probably thought I was creepy for not talking or somthing like that.
If they would have told me that I was inefficient-- that I took sloppy orders, worked slowly and messily, and got in everyone's way, well I would have believed them and I might feel a little more at ease to know what the hell I was doing wrong.
They fired me for really flimsy reasons though, that "Customers complain that I don't check on their tables." While I admit to not checking that frequently in the past I definitely have been improving within the last month or two and I definetly checked and double checked thoroughly when I was told to do better. Even if I did miss a table or two it was because I was making a sub, taking a phone order, at the cash register, or waiting at another table or two or three. Even when I ask for help nobody would come to help me, and if they did help me with one thing I would still have to do somthing besides. If my unability to complete all of these tasks at the same time was unaccceptable than you should have fired me for that.
I swear though that they must have been searching for reasons to fire me because its just bullshit. I was checking the tables.
The other reason was that "A customer complained on our web site that you looked stoned."
Another waitress told me that people say she looks stoned all the time.
Did they fire me because they thought I used drugs?
I don't use any sort of drug what-so-ever.
Did they fire me because I wasn't chipper and enthusiastic enough?
(heh.. heh.. yeah.. thats probably it)
Well they could have just told me I wasn't doing a good enough job being welcoming and friendly instead of insulting me. " look stoned.."
Then the bullshit of "Oh, I just found out 20 minutes ago that I would have to fire you." Bullshit
Even I knew for a full week that the axe was gonna drop.
Its just as well though, it would probably have been worse for me to continue to work there than to just move on...
I'll leave it at that I guess.

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