Friday, July 11, 2008

What I did on My Summer Vacation
by Naya
Room 101, 3rd period English

Brian and I went with Christa and Sterling to celebrate The Fouthajuly like a true 'Mercans in Niagara Falls, Canada. The drive up there is mind numbing, it takes forever and you run through mostly uninteresting villages. I'm not saying I don't like scenic drives in the country but oh mah gawd..
I've already been to Buffalo twice in the past couple of weeks with my grandparents to pick up and drop off my uncle at the airport.
Did you know there was a man by the name of Cornelius that lived in Machias that's been pushing up daisies for at least 10 years by now? I didn't knew I cared but my G'pa makes it a point to tell us every time we pass that village.
The worst part about the drive is coming home. Ever since my father drove us into a ditch and almost in front of a train, I've had this horror of the driver falling asleep at the wheel and making me die.

So anyway the falls were great, they absolutely thrill me every time I'm there. I pretty much hated everything else in the Niagara Falls location especially the Clifton Hill area. It's places like that that make me despair for humanity. What a heap of trash. I guess that's all I'm gonna say about that because I should probably dwell on the good things.
Christa and Sterling have some friends in Canada, we met them at the falls and they really seem like our kinda people in a general sense but more like Christa and Sterling's kind of people. Like a bizzaro Canadian Christa and Sterling if I may be so bold. ..
I didn't really get a chance to talk to them because of the constant flurry of esoteric Ragnarok discussion. It was mostly my problem, I just didn't know what to say even after enjoying a couple drinks. But it all went well. Brian was really excited to jump on that Ragnarok train. I rather prefer not to get deep into anything RPG anymore. Sworn off RPG's for life after Final Fantasy 12. Yeah I know, I completed Lost Odyssey last month. But that was it I swear....

My Taekwon Chippy is totally cute

kicking shit is fun

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