Saturday, November 23, 2002

La la la... Its so much fun living at my house, somthing died in the furnace duct thingies and smellies are blowing all over the house. Another annoyance is bob. He took up the guitar and he plays is so loud... and so bad, over and over and over and over. When bob is not playing, his other favorite passtime is telling everyone how utterly useless they are and how they should do everything perfectly the way he would do it. (I think he's an angry boy and needs to get counciling).
I love how people are constantly calling (not for me) but I always have to get up and answer them and say "yeah, bob's here and he's jerking off, call back a li'l later". Then there is that poor, stupid animal buster who is infested with fleas and is neurotic and must bite himself constantly. Doing dishes at the darrin house is one of the most fun things in the universe. There are so many dishes it drives me crazy. I know we have way too many but I can get rid of them. I hate dishes, doing them depresses me so bad. Momma, if you read this pleeaase please can we rid of or just hide some dishes, BLAAAAARGH!!!! IT DRIVES ME NUTS!!!!!!
The accumulation of "stuff" like dishes is seriously out of control, at least in my opinion. There are soo many books, shoes, cleaning products, clothes, and miscillaneous shit that I can't understand why we keep. Feh...

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