Friday, November 01, 2002

Today I went to visit Alfred College, which wasn't too impressive. Though, I liked that It was on top of a mountain; it had a nice view, and it was kind of pretty when it snowed. But the buildings themselves were a disgusting example of modern architecture. You know; those kinds of buildings that have disgusting brown tile floors, a lack of ornamentation, sickly green colored walls, and poor ventalation.
I wonder why so many building s were built to look modern back in the 60's or 70's or whenever.. It doesn't look modern. I't looks like baby shit. Anyway.. I'm ranting, I should save that for the main event of my blog, which just so happens to be of the assembly we had today.
You probably have heard my rants about Penn-York Camp (if you havn't your probably should, I think they're pretty damn entertaining). Well those darling people have touched my life again with a presentation that will shape my life for years to come! *sarcasm* Those little skits were so well written, and performed I'm sure it changed the minds of every student that witnessed it *sarcasm*.
In all actuality I couldn't really understand what the hell those people were talking about. Though I did get a very clear picture that, even before they annouced they were affiliated with the camp, they were christians. One reason I could tell this is because their skits lacked reasons for why the things they did were wrong. What I mean is, through the whole thing I had a feeling that they cut out biblical ideology (ideas from the bible about good and bad) so they could present it to the school without violating any laws. Another reason is that if they weren't trying to impress watered down ideology on us ("be pure because being pure will benifit your life. Be pure just because."), they sure as hell didn't give us any facts. I'm sure if they weren't penn yorkers they would have supported their ideas about being pure with some real world facts about health and statistics about people dying; some real hard hitting stuff. The last thing is, that they rambled. This was a dead giveaway because they gave testimonials, like "witnesses to the lord" almost the exact same style i had heard in my brief penn-york chapels. They rambled on an on "Being pure will save you, being pure will..blah blah blah..". Just like the witnesses I had heard at camp "Believe in Jesus, accept him as your only savior and you will be saved," repeat 30x.
I'm not saying though, that christians are bad or stupid or anything like that. I'm trying to rip on those god awful penn-yorkers. They can't organize any damn ideas and present them in a way that we can accept or understand or even pay attention to. Like I said in my last rant about PYers is that they rant until their message becomes obscured.
(Though I can't claim that my writing is getting any real point across; I believe that if people are gonna take it upon themselves to make a change in everyones life, they should at least have real facts, ideas, and stories to present.)
I think that the whole assembly was terrible. The acting was poor, the writing was poor, and it looked like it was organized in 30 minutes.The skits were ambigous and confused the messages(its not okay to drink use, drugs or have sex, but It sure is hell funny to beat up your friends). The only thing that almost redeemed it was the people testifying about there own experiences, but they didn't say much that was relevant to their ideas of purity, and again: their skits confused it all.
Near the end of the assembly I was going mad, the man on stage was blabbering and I just about screamed "wrap it up you dumb fuck". I can only take so much relentless branding of ideas on to my mind! Especially when they are preaching to the choir.
I'm not gonna say I'm all snow white pure, but I do abstain from drugs, sex, and other things that could incriminate me, or make me otherwise smelly. I do it for real reasons too, not because jesus wants me to or because "its just a good idea", but because this is a dangerous world and I'm not the kind of person who could easily handle consequences of fucking around with stuff.

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