Monday, November 25, 2002

Things I FUCKING HATE!!!!!! MYAAArgghhooooorrrpppppipoooo!!!!
1. bob the drama queen
2.coldness, winter, icy toilet seats, cold floors
3.@$*@@$#@ING!!!! deadlines!
4. school projects
5. forgetting stuff
6. the dog
7. I hate people I hate!!!
8. when my socks don't fit
9. when my pants are too tight
10. when I have to pee really bad and I'm standing in line
11. sour chocolate milk is the fucking nastiest smell in the world
12. other peoples snivling problems ex: "Bon wont get out of the bathroom when I command her, though I know I could have gotten up earlier, but no! I am king and what I say goes"
13. tests
16. Goddam Mondays
17. Mondays during the winter, when I have to deal with bob's shit, my clothes dont fit, I have a deadline on a school project, and when I get to school I forget the project at home, and I have a test I didn't study for because I was working on my project and I have to stay in class late to finish flunking it up and I get in the long lunchline and have to pee but can't or I'll have to wait in line again and all thats left in the milk cooler is the dented chocolate milk cartons that just happen to contain sour, chunky milk and then I have to 5 minutes to eat, after which I go and endure the rest of the boring, educationally unfullfilling schoolday, then go home and have the stupid dog jump up on me, or find puddles of piss on the floor, but I ignore it all and go to the computer and try to find some half-decent posts on the oekaki board but all I see are those stupid fucking n00b eye pictures with stupid poems........
blargh... oh well...

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