Monday, March 17, 2008

Lindt Gold Bunnies are almost too cute to eat.
In all seriousness, I've had this thing in my fridge for a month and I could not bring myself to bite into it until I had this debilitating chocolate fit. I even bought myself a box of snack cakes to keep me from eating this thing's face. Bun-Bun would rather be warm and cozy in my stomach than spend another day in the freezer--At least I'd like to rationalize it like that.

After all these weeks of casual flirting, we were finally alone. I pulled him close to me and slipped my slim fingers under it's delicate, little red bow. I tugged it gently over his head. The thought that my cravings would be utterly satisfied by him, caused my anticipation to rise to an unbearable limit. I savagely tore the golden flesh from his body and sunk my teeth into his creamy darkness.
Here lies Golden Bunny he was tasty.

Right now Cadbury and Lindt are waging an epic war to win supremacy over my heart.


christa said...

Farewell, Bunny-san. Give my regards to NaNa's colon.

For my birthday, can we go drink our body weight in beer?

Naya said...

Sounds good to me.

My colon says "yo"

Jimmy said...

w00t i miss ya too ...i really should get out and call more people more often ...i miss both you and Christa alot ...along with several other people as well

Anonymous said...

Instead of fortune cookies, you should get a little hollow piece of chocolate with a picture of a random Chinese person in it.