Wednesday, June 19, 2002

eh.. bloody hell... what am I supposed to do. I'm not trying to sever my friendships and cast peoples of into a firey pit of oblivion. I'm not trying to fade away myself, or trying to push anyone away. Lemme give you a hint if you need it its a 7 digit number that you can use to reach me, or if you don't know where the heck I am you can always use my e-mail address to contact me. You can also run up to my house, yeah I know I don't have much personality in person but I'll always try to be hospitable. I'll do a backflip for ya if it would make ya happy, I'll even bake a huge batch of cookies. Hell I'll do both if someone would visit me once in a while.
...And yeah, I know I could try harder being a good friend too. I've been busy with family for the past week. I'm turning over a new leaf tomorrow. Cause I'm free all day (except for swimteam which is no big thing) and I would love to go visit my friends or have someone visit me. Gee.. that would be real swell...

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