Monday, June 24, 2002

When I came home I heard the greatest thing ever. Bob got his radio workin and he can get a station from some big city (i dun remember which one it is). There is a radio show called the Opie and Anthony show and they had a Stoners Spelling Bee. They had real stoners call into the show. They had like 5 Stoned people try and spell words. It was the funniest shit I ever heard in my whole life. They had this one guy named Larry who was a Vietnam Vet and he smoked his hash pipe (or so he said) through the whole show. He kept on talking 'bout the shit he smoked in Nam and he kept on arguing with all the other contestants cause they were dumbasses. Then he talked about his guns, his sawed off shot gun in particular, and started this whole thing with people calling in and shooting their own guns off. There were people with handguns and big ol' shotguns and rapid fire guns. It was sweet. I'm gonna listen to it tommorow if I can.

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