Monday, September 16, 2002

I have figured the biggest bastard I know, is my own brother. Though I do not think he is worthy of being my brother. He is inconsiderate, pigheaded,hypocritical assinine, anal retentive, sefish spoiled brat with the sense of justice of a 5 year old. He takes every little occurance in the house and blows it way out of proportion. He won't listen to anyone but himself and always has to get the last word even if it means, spitting in your face and pushing you down and kicking you. He is 15 years old and can't controll himself. He is always looking for someone to blame for problems that he can deal with himself. He complains that he can't bring a girl over to the house because it is filthy, but does no housework whatsoever, does not even try to make an effort around here. He walks around the house, (that majestic prince!) and orders everyone about like they are mentally incompetant. If he could only see how stupid an childish he is.
Last night i was endeavoring to finish my history project, when prince bob graced me with his presence! He ordered me to get off the computer so he could use ICQ. Well its been established that homworks takes priority over ICQ time. But prince bob just breaks into a chorus of "you should have started earlier" "print out the information and write it down" "your a retard and your doing everything wrong" perhaps it would seem like anyone would say that but he says it 30 times. Every 2 minutes "you should have started earlier" and repeated the sequence for about 2 hours, in a deadly tone of voice. What in the hell is so important that he has to tell his gay buddies that he can't pick up a phone and say....

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