Saturday, September 14, 2002

The other day I had come to the realization that my life is boring. I can sum my life up into one word, and that word is boring. I realized that one of my only joys in life is to make people love me or fall in love. Well of course you probably say that thats everybody's joy- yet still... My methods of going about this business can be questionable, especially to myself. I use manipulation, pity, black magic (everything but lie!) all to ensnare victims in my love trap. Aye, but its not a trap, I'm chasing my victims! The one joy of my life, my most favorite hobby, is chasing what I want. Though, the kill sometimes is so.. dissapointing..
Oh look at me now, ranting like a crazy person! What I mean to say is that without boys to run after, I have nothing else to do, nothing interesting at all to occupy my time... If my life were a book, no one would want to read it. It would be dull and redundant..
I've done nothing tremendous, I've never contributed to anything and I can't say that I'm very intelligent or witty..and chasing after boys just isn't getting me anywhere.-I'm not saying that I'm going to give up on chasing my dreams but I think I'm going to stop being evil and manipulative and actually build a good relationship with somone. I know a specific person too, who I love very much and cannot chase nor, kill. He is like a bird, with bright plumage. He flys around in the bright blue sky and blesses me with his beauty. He should be guarded by an angel in heaven with the softest touch and most tender care.
Oy! behold I am rambling again! But, when It comes right down to It.. I guess I'll never be able to stop myself from being a love fool.
I guess the topic sentence of this rant is all wrong... what it's about is more on the boycrazy side than on the fact that my life is boring.
I suppose, that the very top sentece should read " My life is boring because I spend all of my time being boycrazy" No doubt I have bored you, if, perchance you had actually had the time to read this entire rant. If you have, in all actuallity,been bored by this rant, you have had but a small taste of the merciless boredom that is my life.
And now, after typing all of this nonsense I have come to another conclusion,(a rather pointless conclution, but a conclusion no less!)and I will use this conclusion as the very last sentence in this rant, which will read:
"Eating a half-gallon of French Roast Coffee Ice cream, will make you rant about some very fucked up shit indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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