Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Yay! dreams are fun. I'm gonna be an irritating li'l copycat and post dream stuff.
ahem.. heres a dream you can analyze for me for fun:
I was on some sort of outing. It was some sort of girlscout, or church (I'm not affiliated with either). We were hiking through a field. It was during a transitional season, and all of the grass was gold colored cause it was dead. I saw the most amazing thing ever-- a tree--lol. But it wasn't ordinary tree, it was giant, I mean huge. It was an oak tree on top of a large grass covered mound. It was bleached completely white by sunlight and age. At the base of the mighty tree were smaller berch trees. They were all dead, lying on the ground arranged in a circle around the tree like a wall. I split from the group. I had it in my mind that it was my destiny to go up to the tree. I separated from the group but nobody cared-they ignored me cause im weird, and because they were preps. I cerimoniously climbed up the hill and stood before the tree and saw everything. It was strange and silent the trees gave off ghostly vibes but everything around was golden and blue.

---Thats all of the dream-- Tell me what it means or I'll stick a fork in your eye!

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