Saturday, April 26, 2003

The dance sucked, as dances usually do.
I figure there is two ways to look at a dance: grabass perspective, dance perspective.
Some people don't have fun when they don't have their boyfriend to fondle and to be fondled by.
Some people don't have fun when the songs suck and they can't dance.
To measure last nights dance on the grabassocity and the dancosity scale from my perspective:
It sucked. which means I didn't have kinky alien sex with anyone in the corner, and I didn't dance.
Everyone else seems to have had a good time. O_O;;
Well how could I have fun, dances just aren't my place. All I can think about is drawing and writing.
Additionally, I feel that I am the only person who knows the true reality that dances are pointless, and fake, and its just a bunch of little white 7th graders shuffling to that darn rap music!
Seriously, I'm not going to anymore dances except the end of the year dance. Its pointless for me to dance all by myself, or sit in the corner and have nobody to talk to. It just makes me kind of ill observe the divisiveness of everybodys stuck up cliques. I also dispise the little dance circles that form so tightly I can't get in. Everyone just turns their back to me and when I tell them to move its like "you weren't invited".
Also, what is with you people who cluster so tight against the wall and shuffle like the little 7th graders?God damn. There is a whole dance floor and nobody cares that you dance like a fucktard. ITS A DANCE, NOT A CLUSTER FUCK! Its so convieniant when I set my drink down and everyone starts clustering in front of it. So when I come back I have to push people out of the way, then they all cluster again and then someone farts. I grab my drink hold my breath and push through them but they don't even notice me even though I'm punching them and pushing. But then they step on my feet, they don't notice that either... what a rant this has turned out to be....

Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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