Saturday, April 26, 2003

I didn't rant about the beach. I'm so lazy.
The beach was lovely. The most lovely fact was that it was sunny and warm there and everyone back home was enjoying cold, grey weather. Buring myself in the sand was fun. I also enjoyed the fact that there was absolutely nothing on my mind. Nothing to think about, not school, not the stupid things people do, not even on guys. I just lay on the beach and let my mind atrophy.
I also enjoyed going out to eat. I love buffets.
The seafood buffet was funny cause the people who worked there had to be uber friendly.
There are about a hundred seafood buffets in myrtle beach and the people had to be nice or they would go out of business. I bet one of those waiters would poke themselves in the eye with a straw if you told them to.
I've never seen so many fake blondes in my life, save for the time I went into Abercrombe and Fitch. Anyway, every girl there looked the same. They looked like bacon with blonde highlights. Every guy looked the same too, they all wore wifebeaters, and wore their hats backward.
I met some cool people at the beach though. They liked ride elevators and skimboard and cause anarchy at the hotels. We hung out in the ballroom at the top of the hilton.
We found this guy wearing A teenage mutant ninga turtels t-shirt. He like to play mario games.
This lil 11 year old who liked to smoke, pissed off a balcony at the Hilton. He pissed on himself a little too.

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