Monday, February 02, 2004

I really like sunshine. I love the colors it makes. It makes yellow, peach and gold clouds in the morning, white puffy clouds in the afternoon and red, pink and purple in the evening. I love the sunlight in the late afternoon when im standing in the middle of the street downtown and all the bulidings are left in the shadows but the hills and houses up the street are still illuminated in gold. I like the way the sunlight glows red on the sides of the houses at sunset. I love to look out Christa's kitchen door and watch the way the light from the hills run into the clouds and fade away. I loved to sit on Jimmy's porch in the fall and see the neighborhood, the hills and the clouds drenched in gold and red. I don't think that anyone has really taken the time to observe how perticularly beautiful the light lies on the hills surrounding the high school. In the fall, during gym class I stood in the football field and almost cried at how beautiful the light looked reflecting off the mists burning off the hills.
I love how sunlight burns the skin. I love how it is always warm and even on the coldest days one can stand in front of the window and absorb the heat. I even sleep at the opposite side of the bed so I can look right out of the window and see light before I go to sleep or when I wake up.

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