Friday, April 19, 2002

Friday night. Dunno what to write.
I brused my knee in a freak pole dancing accident.
I went down to the nature trail and listened to the spring peepers.
I climbed huge mountains of dirt and saw a beautiful sunset.
I went to the corner store and got me a green slushie.
I went back to my miserable house and lounged around. What a fruitful day =)
I ate a really nasty pizza with an assload of crappy cheese.
Found some interesting new irrelevant statements such as: Titty Pop
and I discussed writings with XA.
Writings is pretty funny if you think of it like the word "droppings".
Droppings are little turdlets, as opposed to a big fat turd, and writings are little thoughts, as opposed to research papers
or novels with lots or ideas and thoughts and stuff.

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