Sunday, April 07, 2002

I was gonna waste my time telling all you pathetic humans just how much today sucked and how I was filled with nothing but self-loathing and despair -- but I won't give you the pleasure. Instead I'll just tell you how you all suck and how I'm holier than thou, you stupid, slack-jawed peasants!!! I really really hate all of you. Especially you, and YOU! Why I think I hate you so much I'm gonna go burn likenesses of your stupid selves on my front lawn. All I have to do is dig somthing out of the bottom of my trashcan or out of the dark and moldy bowels of my refrigerator and stick a sign with your name on it. You disgusting, slimy piles of puke!BUUUUURRRRRRRRRNNNNNN!!!!! GWWAAARRRGH!!

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