Thursday, April 18, 2002

The subject for today is.... Love!
I figure I gotta talk about it sometime.
Personally, I swore it off about a year ago, I just didn't believe in it anymore. Which is kind of weird. I've never really experienced it fully
(when I mean fully, I don't mean sex, I mean mutual feelings and just being together) Anyway, I've been cheated on and lied to alot.
I've also had a series of really painful, monotoneus, internet relationships (think: watching the freeza saga for 48 hours nonstop;painful).
One of the most painful parts about being in one of these internet relationships is professing your eternal love to someone you can't see. Thats why I'm not really inclined to tell someone such things on ICQ or whatever. I gotta hear it for real, or I'm not gonna believe it.
Another thing that caused problems was attraction, I mean how could I know if I was attracted to someone I've never seen. I think attraction is underestimated, its really important base for a relationship. It is also a pretty difficult thing, sometimes one could be
attracted to another person without knowing why, other times you could be in love without being attracted (shut up, Its happened in my personal experience) and sometimes you are in love and are attracted. The trick is to find someone who shares the characteristic.
..... I think I'm just rambling, I didn't mean it to turn into an essay. It was gonna be about spring, and how good I feel, honest it was.
Oh well, maybe next time..

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