Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The Nightmare
part one

I found myself sanding in the middle of two large, red-brick mansions. Both looked very similar in both size, and structure. There were people walking to and form both of the buildings. They appeared to be on vacation; some people were carrying towels or drinks and some were just lounging around. Some of the people I knew and recognized. Most of them however, I did not know.
I decided to explore the premises starting with the building on the right. Shortly after entering the building I found an old woman lying on a hospital bed. It was a strange that a bed would be situated in the building because the interior resembled an early 19th century warehouse or an industrial building.
The old woman appeared to be dying. But I became distracted from her by a clamoring at the back door. The panes of glass in the patio door were shaking. Immediately, I became aware of the perchance of a ghost. I could feel the temperature of the room drop. I could see the faint figure of the old woman. When the old woman’s ghost saw me she began to swirl the dead leaves that littered the stone patio floor.
After our meeting the old woman’s ghost re-entered the house and began kicking a tin can down a dark corridor lined with doors.
I followed the old woman’s ghost until it melted into nothing and I was standing with my sister in front of a wide door. I opened the door and found a colossal auditorium with massive fans and shafts on the ceiling. The walls and ceiling were completely white-washed and the floor was painted a light gray. There was nobody in the room, my sister and I decided to look for my mom and grandmother.
As I walked back up the corridor I thought about the Old Woman’s Ghost and how I had not been afraid of her. It was actually exciting to go on a ghost hunt. It was thrilling to do somthing that any normal person would be afraid to do; but I knew that it was more important to help my sister find mom.
When I re-entered the main hall, I was surprised to see the old woman still there. She was alive and sitting up in bed. Her hair was a gray and frazzled and stood out in many directions. She pointed her finger in the air at some non-existent point. There were some nurses at her side trying to get her to lay back down. I thought it was very strange that I had been chasing the ghost of someone who was not dead. I wondered if the old woman was going to die soon, or if she would decide to live for a few more days.
Before I had turned to leave the house the old woman had lied down again and the clamoring at the patio doors had again commenced.

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